Now welcoming patients with Canadian Dental Care Plan (CDCP) coverage!

  • 332 University Park Dr Regina SK S4V 0Y8 CA

General Dentistry Services in Regina, Saskatchewan

Cosmetic Dental Services | Health Style Dental | Regina Dentist

At Health Style Dental in Regina, we offer a range of general dentistry services, such as professional cleanings and teeth restorations. 

What is General Dentistry?

General Dentistry includes a variety of essential dental services and treatments. The main goal of general dentistry is to keep your teeth and gums healthy and functional for the long-term.

About Your General Dentist

Your general dentist is your primary dental care provider. They will manage your general dental health, diagnose and treat any dental issues you may be experiencing, and give you advice on how to prevent any future dental issues.

To attain this designation, general dentists must have completed four years of study at an accredited dental school. They must also fulfill all the requirements of provincial licensing boards (including examinations, residencies, and ongoing education). 

General Dentistry | Health Style Dental | Regina Dentist

General Services

Dental Hygiene





Fluoride Treatment

Root Canal Therapy

Emergency Services

New patients welcome! Get in touch today to schedule an appointment.

Request Appointment

(306) 789-2330 Request Appointment